Well, maybe not.
Seeing a lot of movies lately, between hulu.net and netflix online viewing, you can view all those obscure movies that are good, but not really....good.
Old stuff out there...Hitchcock, which is fun. Clockwork Orange and Logan's Run are on my list.
Been to the movies as well: Kung Fu Panda, Wall-E, Iron Man, Prince Caspian, and Journey to the center of the Earth.
I know Brandon Fraser seems to be type-cast as a particular character, but he does it so well, and can pull off the likable, goofy, hero. Mummy 3 is on the list for the summer as well.
(Oh, and the female character is a pleasant piece of tough, plausible, eye-candy, but that's my...brain talking. I'm not sure that Jules Verne was thinking of her for the book, but sometimes, modern is better)
Okay, warm days, and ready for the second wave of vacation to Maine, and be ready for the onslaught of family that will be visiting and volunteering to "help".
Have a safe summer