Sunday, September 14, 2008


Okay, I figure since I started this Blog thing, I should blog about something. So, how about movies. Or more precisely, all the movies that I'm trying to catch up on. Netflix is quite a treat. While I'm only doing one movie at a time, the online movie viewer for the older or more obscure stuff makes for interesting distractions. You can't beat the cost, in my opinion. I don't subscribe to fancy cable packages, just what gets me the local stations. I don't want to watch that much TV. Or more precisely, I would watch that much TV.

I set up computer A for my surfing, homework, and other stuff. On Computer B, I setup Netflix and watch a movie. It is a built in distraction !! Instead of going down web-links on tangents from tangents to orthogonal tangents, I only have one thing to watch. So, as new movies come in and are watched, I might as well review them. (BTW: the computers are side-by-side and I recommend a SW package called Synergy (see which will allow you to move a mouse from monitor to monitor (computer to computer) without doing anything more than setting up a client-server application from the website).

Now, I have gotten complaits that the DVD's we receive aren't appreciated by the wife, but she knows I get the movies and hasn't put in suggestions, so, if you don't vote, you can't complain.

Okay, 5 movies I've watched online. Granted, these are tangents upon themselves, in the Netflix rating system. "You liked this, so you should like this..." Sometimes, it is true. At other times...Meh.

1) Cashback - Loved it. Obscure movie, young actors, but still interesting. Can be slow but was fun to watch.

2) JFK - Left. And Back. Left And Back. or somethine like that. Interesting to watch again and satisfies the conspirory theorist in all of us.

3) Team America: World Police: A sign I'm getting too old. Didn't even finish the movie. Sure, it is intersting from an artsy point of view, but come-on, it just got too goofy. A conspirory movie satire, that's out to hurt itself.

4) Blade Runner (Theatrical Cut): Still love the movie. Methodically slow in parts, but the dry, Harrison Ford in the cyberpunk movie is great.

5) The Postman: I actually liked this movie. A lot of movies I watch out of curiosity and this was one. But, I found it entertaining in the post-end-of-the-country genre. It flirted with being overboard, but not too bad. If Shatner showed up, then forget it, it would be over that boundary.

That's all. I'll probably watch something Hitchcock this evening, while writing a 3 page paper for homework. We'll see how it goes (the paper meaning). First, the housecleaning, NFL, eBay listings, and pocket lint harvesting.

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